All that you want to know about clean room equipment

 While centralized clean room air handling has been a champion of cleanliness, decentralized systems have become quite popular in practice because of their major cost advantage. Decentralized systems filter and control the air locally with fan filter units, meaning that the clean area can be broken up into quite a few smaller clean rooms of different cleanliness classes to save operational costs. Several clean room equipment manufacturers in India can design, manufacture and offer laboratory equipment customized and clean room solutions.

About Air handling systems

Air handling systems are accountable for complying with the specified clean room standard. If the system does not meet the requirements of a certain ISO class, miss to filter particles above an actual size or guarantees the necessary number of air exchanges per hour, compliance of the whole clean space can be questioned.

In addition, guaranteeing an adequate air exchange rate usually increases operational costs. Thus, regular maintenance and smooth operation of the air handling system enjoy special attention.

When clean room manufacturers and contractors face the decision of selecting an appropriate air handling system, they weigh many factors such as

  • Cost

  • Performance

  • Sustainability

  • Reliability

It adds to the implication of the choice that it is rather worrying to modify the system once it is in operation. Optimization must always precede commissioning.

Central air handling units control centralized HVAC systems. Air is delivered, removed from the clean space through the ducts and circulated back to the central air handling unit. Central or ducted solutions are regarded as the conventional approach to supplying air. The greatest benefit of a centralized HVAC system is that all appropriate metrics can be controlled very precisely such as temperature, humidity and pressure. Consequently, the highest levels of cleanliness can be achieved with a centralized system of clean room equipments. The superior precision of the system is noticed in both maintenance and installation costs.


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